Hari Tanpa Rokok Sedunia 2008

Tepat pada hari ini, 31 Mei 2008, World Health Organization menetapkan hari ini sebagai Hari Bebas Rokok Sedunia atau 'World No Tobacco Day'. WHO melalui kampanye ini mengajak pemerintah negara di seluruh dunia untuk melindungi lebih dari 1,8 triliun remaja di seluruh dunia dar pengaruh rokok dengan melarang segala bentuk promosi,sponsor dan iklan rokok. Sekaligus juga mengajak siapapun itu, khususnya para remaja, untuk mulai mengurangi dan (kalau bisa) untuk berhenti merokok.

Kampanye tahun ini lebih memfokuskan pada fakta bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan rokok di seluruh dunia telah mengeluarkan jutaan dolar untuk menarik konsumen muda untuk mencoba produk mereka melalui promosi pemasaran yang gede-gedean. Bayangin aja kalau uang ber jut jut itu bisa dialihkan untuk pendidikan atau kesehatan...

Nah, menariknya disini dikatakan juga bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut telah melakukan berbagai cara melalui strategi promosi produk mereka dengan menciptakan kesan yang salah dari pengknsumsian rokok yang diidentikkan dengan glamour, energy dan sex appeal. Wuih, kebayang nggak tuh kalau salah satu dari kalian mulai merokok karena terpengaruh dari efek buruk iklan tersebut.

Sudah sebulan penuh ini,dan tentunya berpuncak pada hari ini, berbagai negara di dunia melakukan berbagai aksi dan acara dalam rangaka kapanye Hari Bebas Rokok Sedunia. Sebut saja Amerika, Bahama, Bangladesh, India, Australia, Kanada, dan masih banyak negara lainnya termasuk juga Indonesia.

Nah, di Bali sendiri perayaan Hari Bebas Rokok Sedunia ini bakal digelar oleh Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana. Dengan hanya membayar biaya masuk sebesar Rp 25.000 saja kalian sudah bisa mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang salah satu diantaranya adalah Talk Show mengenai 'World No Tobacco Day', tentang kesehatan,dan lain sebagainya. Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan mulai dari pukul 09.00 WITA sampai selesai.
SO guys, kalau mau tahu segala tentang kampanye Hari Bebas Rokok Sedunia dari WHO ini, apa saja kegiatannya di seluruh dunia, langsung aja cek di...
atau di...

Beasiswa - Juni I

Photobucket[Italy] 7 PhD scholarship in Economics at UniversitĂ  Ca` Foscari
The Advanced School of Economics (in Italian: Scuola Superiore di Economia, or SSE for short) runs two doctoral programs: one in Economics and one in Business. DEC: Application 2008 The Doctoral Program in Economics (DEC) and the ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Beasiswa S2 Taiwan Luar Negeri
By beasiswa.indonesia@gmail.com (Beasiswa Indonesia)
MBA Scholarship Southern Taiwan University 2 Years-Full. Assistantships Regulations:. 1. If paid off-campus internship is arranged, monthly stipend will be cancelled or deducted. 2. To keep your stipend (tuition and dormitory fees will ...
Info Lowongan Beasiswa

Beasiswa S2 S3 Luar Negri
By Beasiswa Indonesia
College of Education University of South Florida (USF) offers some scholarships for master and doctor degree in educational leadership. Berbecker Scholarship Application The Lillie and Walter Berbecker Scholarship is designed to honor ...
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship

Beasiswa: ADB JSP Japan Scholarship
By beasiswa@beasiswa-indonesia.com (www.beasiswa.b...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Programme (JSP) was established in April 1988 with funding from the Government of Japan. It is intended to provide an opportunity to fully qualified citizens of ADB developing member ...


Job Vacancy Indonesia
By Miller(Miller)
One of our services is Executive Search Our clients, a well established Bank located in Jakarta, [...] Kunjungi http://kerja.blogs.ie untuk info lebih detail. Ph.D. in Bioceramics, Uni Bremen, Germany [Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship] ...

[New Zealand] ADB - JSP Japan Scholarship Program at University of ...
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Programme (JSP) was established in April 1988 with funding from the Government of Japan. It is intended to provide an opportunity to fully qualified citizens of ADB developing member ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program to pursue Ph.D. Degree ...
By new_techno(new_techno)
The American Indonesia Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of approximately 40 new Fulbright scholarships under the aegis of the Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program to pursue Ph. ...

Job Vacancy Indonesia
By Miller(Miller)
Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) [Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship]. Posted: 05 May 2008 12:39 AM CDT. Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) Program Research Student 2009 ...

[Indonesia] Lippo Bank (LB) Scholarship 2008 for Undergraduate Program
PT Bank Lippo Tbk (“LB”), a major investee company of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia, believes in developing the human capital in The Republic of Indonesia. In this regard, LB is pleased to offer scholarships and financial ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Shell Centenary Scholarship
By Beasiswa Indonesia
The Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund (TSCSF) was established as a registered charity in 1997. Under various Masters programmes, TSCSF offers postgraduate students from developing countries the opportunity to study in the United Kingdom ...
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship

Nymphea's new hair do

Minggu (25 Mei 2008) kemarin, saat tim kita sedang menghandle salah satu event sepeda motor di Gianyar, ada suatu pemandangan yang beda. Dari beberapa performer yang tampil, Nymphea terlihat beda. Tentunya kalian sudah tau Nymphea dong. Nah, Sari sang vokalis Nymphea tampil dengan hair do yg beda. She turns white bok!

Saat kita tanya what's with the hair, dia cuman tersenyum sambil bilang "Well, I woke up and ended up with my hair like this, ha ha...". He he, whatever you say dah Sari. But anyway, you still rock girl! @theYC

Akhirnya... Duta Bahasa 2008 terpilihlah sudah

(Denpasar, 27 Mei 2008) Akhirnya, setelah melalui pemilihan yang ketat terhadap ratusan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi yang mencalonkan diri, terpilihah sudah Duta Bahasa yang baru untuk tahun 2008.

Bertempat di Gedung Balai Bahasa Tembau, enam pasang finalis melakukan sesi tanya jawab terakhir di atas panggung. Yah, pertanyaannya sih gak jauh-jauh dari seputar penggunaan Bahasa dan fungsinya. Dari juri yang berjumlah tiga orang, yaitu Drs. Caesarius Ruddyanto, M.A. (Kepala Balai Bahasa Denpasar); Drs. I Made Madia, M.Hum. (Dosen Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana); I. G. A. A. Mas Tri Adnyani, S.S., M.Hum. (Dosen Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana), akhirnya terpilih dua orang Duta Bahasa yang baru. Mereka adalah Gede Putra Kartika Wijaya (Fak Kedokteran Unud) dan Kadek Wirahyuni (Undhiksa). Lucunya, karena mereka berdua membawa suporter paling banyak akhirnya mereka juga yang terpilih sebagai peserta favorit.

"Secara kuantitas peserta tahun ini meningkat banyak. Tapi secara kualitas ada penurunan, terutama dari segi penulisan.", ungkap dr. Sutarsa dan Ayu Diandra, Duta Bahasa tahun 2007. Hmm... menurut kami sih perlu ada sosialisasi kepada calon Duta Bahasa mengenai Duta Bahasa itu apa, soalnya masih agak rancu tugas dan fungsinya, ya gak?! Si pemenang bakal dapetin privilege untuk bisa mengikuti Kongres Bahasa, pembuatan Undang-Undang, serta mengikuti berbagai program dari Kementerian Pendidikan. Wah seru tuh!

Anyway, dr. Sutarsa dan Ayu Diandra juga menyarankan agar peserta Duta Bahasa ini diikuti dari luar Universitas Sastra. Terutama bagi mahasiswa Universitas yang frekuensi penggunaan Bahasanya cukup tinggi. "Karena kalau yang menang dari Fakultas Sastra, itu kan sudah lumrah", ungkap mereka lagi.

So, bagi Kartika Wijaya dan Wirahyuni, selamat ya guys. @theYC

Beasiswa - Mei IV

DAAD International Summer School Computational Logic and Its ...
By leonardo(leonardo)
DAAD International Summer School Computational Logic and Its Applications Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia, Jakarta/Depok August 4th, 2008 - August 15th, 2008 http://www.cs.ui.ac.id/summerschool/ ...

Beasiswa Bank Lippo 2008 (Deadline 27 Juni 2008″
By epunk
PT Bank Lippo Tbk (“LB”), a major investee company of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia , believes in developing the human capital in the Republic of Indonesia . In this regard, LB is pleased to offer scholarships and financial ...

[Italy] MSc in Environmental Engineering (Petroleum Engineering ...
The Eni Project offers international students (in particular from Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia or Saudi Arabia) the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Fulbright Scholarship for Master’s Degree and PhD
By learning and scolarship(learning and scolarship)
Scholarship Fulbright given by American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF). According To Michael E McCoy, executive Director Aminef, there is 1428 Indonesia students has received Fulbright scholarship. Most of this scholarship ...
learning and scolarship

Beasiswa Islamic Studies Scholarship
By beasiswa.indonesia@gmail.com (Beasiswa Indonesia)
Al-Maktoum Foundation offers an open scholarships competition for postgraduate students to study at Al-Maktoum Institute, Dundee (University of Aberdeen) in the following one year postgraduate programmes: (more…)
Info Lowongan Beasiswa

VICO Indonesia
By admin

Beasiwa DAAD Jerman
By Beasiswa Indonesia
DAAD International Summer School Computational Logic and Its Applications Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia, Jakarta/Depok August 4th, 2008 - August 15th, 2008 http://www.cs.ui.ac.id/summerschool/ Call for ...
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship

60 MSc Scholarships, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
By beasiswa.indonesia@gmail.com (Beasiswa Indonesia)
The Eni Project offers international students (in particular from Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia or Saudi Arabia) the possibility to receive a scholarship and other ...
Info Lowongan Beasiswa

Thailand - 2008 Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation Scholarships in Social Science at Mahidol University Indonesia - Program Beasiswa PPSDMS Nurul Fikri Angkatan IV 2008-2010 USA - University of Wisconsin Postdoc Position in ...

Beasiswa - Mei III

[UK] Full-time Hodgkinson Postgraduate Scholarship at Oxford ...
These scholarships contribute a value up to the level of the international
student tuition fees towards a full-time Master`s degree for a period of one
year. The Scholarship Committee may, at its discretion, split the scholarship
funds ...
Rumah Beasiswa

Beasiswa Pemerintah Australia Indonesia
By Beasiswa Indonesia
... researchers from Indonesia and Australia (especially Honours and
post-graduate students). Funding is available on a competitive basis to bring
[...] For details and more daily-updated scholarship visit:
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship

[Italy] PhD Scholarships in Economics at University of Siena
Scholarships. A maximum of 20 students will be admitted. The 10 most qualified
candidates will be awarded a four-year scholarship of about €10500 ($16500)
per year, after tax, for a total of about $42000 ($67000), plus tuition
remission ...
Beasiswa Indonesia

Beasiswa S1 Luar Negeri Inggris
By beasiswa.indonesia@gmail.com (Beasiswa Indonesia)
Beasiswa S1 Undergraduate Scholarship Challenge 2008-09 Royal Hooloway
University of London Undergraduate Scholarship Challenge 2008-09 in Computer
Science University of London. Departmental Undergraduate Scholarship Challenge
2008-09 ...
Info Lowongan Beasiswa

Beasiswa Luar Negri Turki
By Beasiswa Indonesia
Call for Applications/ Scholarships Summer University of Istanbul (Turkey)
“The Relations Between EU and Turkey” Beasiswa Luar Negri Turki For the
first time, Centre Internationale de Formation Européen organised from July 16
to August ...
Beasiswa Indonesia

[Australia] Worldnomad`s Travel Photography Scholarship 2008
Applications close: June 30, 2008 World Nomads & National Geographic
Channel are giving one exceptional student the chance to go on assignment with
renowned wildlife photographer Jason Edwards (http://www.bio-images.com/tempo/)
! ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Beasiswa S1 S2 s3 Jepang Luar Negeri
By Beasiswa Indonesia
Beasiswa S1 S2 s3 Jepang Luar Negeri / negri. JAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2008
Students from more than 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region will attend the
2008 JAL Scholarship Program. (Total 17 days period of 29 June - 15 July 2008)
Beasiswa Indonesia

MBA Scholarships Sampoerna Foundation 2009 Intake
By beasiswa@beasiswa-indonesia.com (www.beasiswa.b...
Apply for Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships 2009 Intake. To apply
this scholarship, applicants also must apply for admission to any universities
in USA, Australia, France, [...] Baca info beasiswa selengkapnya di ...
Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia

[UK] Scholarship for Undergraduate at University of Brighton
75 University of Brighton international scholarships worth a reduction of
£2000 off the cost of your tuition fees for each year of your course are
available to outstanding new, full-time international undergraduate and
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Beasiswa: South East Asia Undergraduate Scholarships 2008 in Malaysia
By Naura(Naura)
For 2008 entry there will be one competitive prize scholarship of £3000
available for outstanding new undergraduate students from South East Asia
(Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei). • How to apply: All
applicants will ...
Scholarship Around The World

Beasiswa - Mei II

By beasiswa
The American Indonesia Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) is pleased to announce the availability of approximately 40 new Fulbright scholarships under the aegis of the Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program to pursue Ph. ...
Situs pencari beasiswa (Scholarships)

2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship-Taiwan
By beasiswa@beasiswa-indonesia.com (www.beasiswa.b...
The attached file is the brief introduction about 2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship. It is most appreciated if you could assist in passing along this 2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship information. ...
Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia

UK MPhil/PhD Funded Studentship
By Beasiswa Indonesia
MPhil/PhD Funded Studentship. Rural Tourism and Farm Diversification: An Analysis of Farmers as Entrepreneurs. Reference No RS/07/18. A full-time MPhil/PhD funded studentship is available in the Lancashire Business School. ...
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship

Beasiswa S2, Beasiswa Magister Manajemen (MM) Prasetiya Mulya ...
BEASISWA S2 INDONESIA Scholarship / Beasiswa Magister Manajemen (MM) Prasetiya Mulya Business School Prasetiya Mulya Business School awards up to four scholarships for full-time Magister Manajemen (MM) students each year. ...

Worldnomad’s Travel Writing Scholarship 2008
By beasiswa@beasiswa-indonesia.com (www.beasiswa.b...
... will live amongst the local people, working on various neighbourhood projects to help rebuild their community. As part of this assignment, [...] Baca info beasiswa selengkapnya di http://beasiswa.blogs.ie atau klik link judul di atas.
Informasi Beasiswa Indonesia

Marie Curie Summer school on aqueous and porous materials
By Beasiswa Indonesia
... for > full funding to attend the 2008 Marie Curie Summer > School on Aqueous and > Porous Materials at Trest, Czech Republic from the > 19th to [...] For details and more daily-updated scholarship visit: http://beasiswa.blogsome.com.
Beasiswa Indonesia Scholarship

Worldnomad’s Travel Photography Scholarship 2008
By beasiswa.indonesia@gmail.com (Beasiswa Indonesia)
Applications close: June 30, 2008. World Nomads & National Geographic Channel are giving one exceptional student the chance to go on assignment with renowned wildlife photographer Jason Edwards http://www.bio-images.com/tempo/ ! ...
Info Lowongan Beasiswa

Scholarship South East Asia Undergraduate Scholarships 2008 ...
By Pertamax(Pertamax)
For 2008 entry there will be one competitive prize scholarship of £3000 available for outstanding new undergraduate students from South East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei). • How to apply: All applicants will ...
Free Scholarship and Beasiswa Gratis

Beasiswa Ilmu Biologi di University of Leeds UK
For 2008 entry there will be one competitive prize scholarship of £3000 available for outstanding new undergraduate students from South East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei). To receive any Faculty of Biological ...

[lowongan-beasiswa] FW: Lippo Bank Scholarship - 2008 Intake [Due ...
By mazken(mazken)
PT Bank Lippo Tbk (“LB”), a major investee company of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Malaysia , believes in developing the human capital in the Republic of Indonesia . In this regard, LB is pleased to offer scholarships and financial ...
Informasi Mencari Kerja

Beasiswa - Mei I

PhD Scholarship in Arabic and Islam Netherlands
By beasiswa.indonesia@gmail.com (Beasiswa Indonesia)
PhD Arabic and Islam "Islam and the Performing Arts in the Middle East"Nijmegen, (Gelderland), 40 hours per week Radboud University Nijmegen. Job descriptionThe project entitled 'Islam and the performing ...
Info Lowongan Beasiswa

[Indonesia] MM Scholarship at Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Prasetiya Mulya Business School awards up to four scholarships for full-time Magister Manajemen (MM) students each year. Subject Areas and Type of Scholars: Open to highly talented and qualified potential leaders from financially ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Beasiswa Master S2 University of Manchester Inggris
By admin(admin)
Beasiswa Master S2 University of Manchester UK Two scholarships are being made available to developing country (Incl. Indonesia) applicants wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester one-year Masters degrees: ...
Info Beasiswa

Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship - 2009
By Bukan siapa siapa(Bukan siapa siapa)
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia's future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master's of Business Administration degree at ...
beasiswa dalam dan luar negeri

[Italy] Scholarships for Indonesian Citizens from The Goverment of ...
The selection is held annually by a Selection Committee consisting of competent authorities and expert representing both Italy and Indonesia. This Scholarship grants are distributed for students, professionals, teachers, and artists who ...
Rumah Beasiswa Indonesia

Beasiswa American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMNEF)
By kolumnis
in Indonesia and never received any Fulbright Scholarship. - A Master's degree - a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a scale of 4.00). - A TOEFL score (min 575). - The deadline for submission of application for all programs is May 31, ...