pre wedding in Bali - Harianto Pohan & Serafina

Harianto and Serafina, a very remarkable pair, they chose Bali as the location for capturing the moment of their pre wedding, and we're very flattered because of the many photographers in Bali, but they choose us to capture those moments. This photo session lasted for one day, in several different places in Bali. Although this photo session was very tiring, but still fun, because they always joked during this photo session. The result of the photos at that time can be seen here. Hopefully, these photos can satisfy them, and also all of you who visit this blog.

Thank you for Harianto and Serafina because we have used the service, I hope you are satisfied with the results, and may you live happily together.

Reza Prasetya

Reza Pradipta Prasetya, the funniest client we've ever met. He called me ( hyde satriya ) last year from sydney and told me that he wanted me to take his picture when he goes to Bali. I thought it was a joke that day, because he wanted to make a martial art photoshoot, it's very rare among us, photographer, to make martial art photography. But then, last december, he really made it to Bali, he showed me the muscles that he built in 4 months only for this photoshoot, that was an honor for me, because he did a very very hard muscles training, and he wanted me to do the photograph for him .
And here are the photos, i made it more like fashion martial art, and we added some yakuza style too in 3 days photoshoot.
The photos were taken by Hyde Satriya Viyasa and Anjar Tanjung .

Forgive yourself. Learn how

Beberapa pekan terakhir ini aku benar-benar merasa down, it drained my self esteem, dan aku benar-benar merasa minder terhadap semua orang dan semua hal. Seperti baterai, semua ini seolah menyedot semua energiku dan semua kebahagiaanku, and this has got to stop!

Seseorang pernah berkata padaku bahwa masa ini pasti akan terjadi pada setiap orang, yang berbeda hanyalah kapan dan seberapa besar dampaknya, serta seberapa lama masa penyembuhannya. Ia juga berkata, salah satu obat yang bisa menyembuhkanku dari penyakit mengerikan ini adalah dengan belajar... belajar untuk 'memaafkan' diri sendiri...


We've done wrong. We've done many bad things, and that's okay! Because we're human, we made mistakes, we're no angels! And that's why, do yourself a favor – FORGIVE YOURSELF ! Don't let yourself fall into a never ending misery hole. Starts from now on, and learn how…


High School Year End Book 2010

Our clients in this project were students from class of 3 IPA 6, SMA 1 Denpasar.
We felt very pleased because we've been chosen by them to captured their last moments in High School.
The photo-shot were taken in Denpasar City.
The theme for these photos were vintage for the girls, and rock n' roll for the boys.
We hope you guys amazed by these photos, and willing to be our next clients .