Perjalanan Panjang Pedalang Muda Bali

Wayang tak hanya seni hiburan tradisional yang hanya diminati oleh kakek nenek atau orang tua kita saja. Tapi, wayang jaman sekarang tak kalah canggihnya dengan film-film Hollywood yang terkenal dengan efek filmnya. Gak percaya….??? Bapak Made Sidia adalah salah seorang seniman Bali yang sangat kreatif yang mampu mengawinkan seni tradisional dengan teknologi moderen. Beliau memberikan sentuhan moderen pada seni wayang Bali.

TheYC sangat tertarik dengan profile beliau, karena mampu menginspirasi anak muda Bali pada khususnya untuk tetap melestarikan seni tradisional Bali. Namun selain itu, beliau pun mampu menunjukan kreativitas dan memanfaatkan kamajuan teknologi untuk mendukung pentas seni wayang kontemporer beliau, wow so interesting. Berikut ini adalah curriculum vitae beliau (wuiih buzeet daaah… theYC ampe pegel ngetik achievement beliau).@theYC


Name : I Made Sidia, SSP.

Birhday : Banjar Bona Kelod Blahbatuh Gianyar.16 Maret 1967

Major :

Faculty Member of Theatre Dept. (Pedalangan)

Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar

Jl. Nusa Indah Denpasar 80235, Bali Indonesia

E-mail :


1. To begin an MFA program in theatre that exploites the superiority of electronic

technology: computer and other multi-media

2. To direct, teach, and perform Balinese Wayang Shadow Theatre, Topeng masked dance,

and Gamelan music.

3. To collaborate on various trans-cultural theatrical productions


As the artistic director of a spectacular production "Moksa," which will be presented for the 10th

Anniversary of Gunarsa Fine Arts Museum on January 16th 2004 by the Indonesian Arts Institute, Denpasar.


1992 SSP.a dgree in Balinese theatre (Pedalangan)

from the Indonesian State College of Arts (STSI) Denpasar Bali

Performance and Script: Sumbah (a tale form Mahabharata)


Since 1993 (permanent job) Faculty member at the Arts Institute Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

2002 Director of Production of the Theatre Dept.Arts Institute Denpasar

2000 Director of Paripurna Art Company, Bona, Gianyar.


1978 as the second winner of Bali Children Puppeteer Competition

2003 my company became the first winner in the

2003 All-Bali Children Gong Kebyar Competition (the VCD enclosed).


2005 DARWIN FESTIVAL Theatre and on a multi-media performance,

2005 collaborate with Australian Artist director seponsored by Sandra Thibonax performance,

2005 collaborate with Kambojia artdirector sponsored by Kop and Delpin, Mankosal to



2004 at VCA Collage of the Art inmelbourne

2004 Los Angeles collaborate with Gambelan Sekar Jaya.

2003 Los Angeles collaborate with Asian Artists “The Art of Rice"

2002 Switzerland, Berlin, Denmark, Roterdam as a dalang for "the Theft of Sita"

2001 Australi Opera House, New York USA, England Europe "the Theft of Sita"

2000 Melborne Festival "the Theft of Sita"

1999 Hannover Gemany "the Theft of Sita"

1998 Adelide Arts Festival

1997 Taiwan "Maoli International Mask Festival"

1997 Senday Japan as a dancer

1996 India "India Mask Festival"

1995 New York, New Jersy, Washington DC, Boston (USA) Puppet Festival

1994 Osaka Festival Japan

1994 Tokyo Japan for Wayang Wong masked theatre

1993 Swedia, Stockolm, Gutemburge for Wayang Wong masked theatre

1992 Tokyo Japan for Kecak dance

1991 Swedia for Water Festival for Children around the World

1990 USA for the Indonesian Cultural Exhibition

1989 Wells London, Collaboration on Theatre Talliation

1988 Kumano Japan for Kecak and Calonaranfg dance-drama

1987 Stockolm, Swedia for World Tree Festival

1996 Taiwan International Puppet Festival

1995 Soul Korea Mask Festival


(1994) collaborate with American artist Kent Deveroux, Jarod Powel on a multi-media performance to produce Visible Religion, which was performed in Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle.

(2000- ) Nagel Jaminson and Peter Wolsen, on a multi-media performance, 2002 collaborate with Australisan artdirector sponsored by Performing Line to perform The Theft of Sita, which was performed in Adelide

(2000), Hannover-Germany (2000), Melborne (2001),Sydney, New York, London

(2001), Switzerland, Den Mark,

(2003) collaborate with Asian and Americal Artists, under the organisation of Prof Judy Mitoma (Founder and Director of the UCLA Center for intercultural Performance) on a theatre and multi-media performance, to perform The Art of Rice (a traveling theatre) which was performed in Bali, Hawaii, and Los Angeles.


Dance-drama:Kama Salah Bali art festival(2005),

with group from Kramas: Dolanan Play Kidz (2005)

with group from Ubud.

2005 Yudistira Madeg nata. for the Bi-annual National Arts Festival at Bandung


Dance-drama: Purwaka Shanti Bali art festival(2004),


Dance-drama: Yudistira Maditation (2003), Kala Rahu (2001), Dolanan Play Kidz (2001) Dalem Ketut (2000), Batur Taskara (1999).


2003 Siwa Tatwa for the Bi-annual National Arts Festival at Surabaya

2002 Bisma Pralaya a spectaculer production for the productions Bi-annual National Arts

Festival at Padang,

2002 Sumatri Sukasrana second winner, and other

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